RPM™ Souplesse x Thrive
Exactly one year ago we started RPM - Time to head out for the first RPM™ (h)ARDENNES weekender. We went on a journey of 400 km and 5600 moa in a span of 3 days total. In RPM™ ’s tradition, we pushed each other to the limit. Luckily we we partnered up with Thrive Beer who took care of our recovery, brewing an alcochol free IPA with a punch of 10g proteins!
Thrive supplied us with enough product to get us through the weekend. In return our team focussed on making branded content in our own creative style. We’re proud of this collaboration and look forward to future adventures.
Make sure you’re part of our journey as we’re planning another training camp. Get in contact to join/support us on the RPM™ Souplesse 2024 - Mid Season Altitude Training.
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